Sri Ramakrishna Ashram Arti Song 1a~ Khandana Bhava Bandhana

Sri Ramakrishna Arti Song~ Khandana-Bhava Bandhana ~Composed by Swami Vivekananda~Those who have never got the opportunity to be in Shri Ramakrishna Ashrams, must visit one to get themselves suffused with divine fervor and to have darshan & blessings of Shri Ramakrishna Order monks. It will definitely change one’s life for the good.
We adore Thee, O snapper of worldly bondages! O honoured of all mankind! O sinless one(Immaculate) embodied as man! Thou art at once the trancendent attributeless Being and the Divine Person with attributes.
O redeemer of all sins! O adornment for all the worlds! O pure consciousness condensed! Thy eyes, sanctified with the collyrium of Jnana(bright with the wisdom of God), shatter the delusion of ignorance(wake us from maya’s spell) by their very look.
Thou art verily an ocean of luminous and lofty spiritual sentiments, ever drunk with inebriating love of God.
Let us(Thy devotees) hold fast to Thy feet,which are a veritable boat for crossing the ocean of Samsara.
Thou art the Lord of the universe, manifested as the incarnation for the present yuga, for helping mankind in its spiritual endeavour.O Perfect Master, whom lust could not taint, nor passion nor gold draw near, kindly bestow Thy mercy on us.
O shatterer of the suffering/sorrows of humanity! O mercy condensed! O worker tremendous! Thy life is an offering of love for the redemption of mankind, and a power that shatters the bondage of the dark age of Kali.
Thou art the conqueror of lust and greed, and the spurner of all enticements of sensuous attractions.
O Lord of all renouncers and the noblest of mankind! Bestow on us unflinching love for Thy blessed feet.
Thy mind is above all fears, devoid of all doubts, and firm in its resolves(standing firm in the vision of God).
Casting away all considerations of the race, birth and status of Thy devotees(i.e. partial to none), Thy universal love offers refuge/shelter to all who seek it.
O offerings of love! O paragon of samesightedness(i.e. we are equal before Thy sight)! To those who treasure Thy holy feet in their hearts,the ocean of Samsara seems shrunk to the water puddle formed in the clay by the hoof-mark of a calf! Their sorrows take to wings!


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